This might be a little side-topic but IMO Alpine is famous for having a small byte size footprint.
I love Rust to tears but it produces fairly huge binaries even in release mode and even with some symbols stripping.
So if Alpine also plans to include various Rust tools I'd hope that this will prompt the core team to also work on reducing the sizes of the final Rust binaries.
I don't want to sound entitled! I am very thankful to the entire Rust team. And Rust is hugely important nowadays. It's just that when it comes to distributing stuff in Dockerfiles (and, and several others) the Rust binaries stick out like a sore thumb. :\ They're fairly big.
I’m not saying they’re not small and haven’t done a fantastic job, but my impression is that this is due to being mostly minimal in the default install;
The reason I say this (and I could be wrong) is because the use of musl for the libc means each binary kinda needs to include it’s own libc statically.
This must make the binaries huge!
Also, you can easily make small rust binaries, it’s Golang (of the two) that produces very large binaries.
If you just follow the first two bits of advice from: you’ll reduce your binary sizes to near C++ levels.