I would suggest Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, even though it's based on Objective-C and the book is old. That means it's based upon older versions of Xcode and Mac OS (like ~10 years old). Conceptually it's a good book, but because of it's age the code examples, etc are outdated. The publisher does have forums which can be helpful:


They also have a Swift book, but I haven't personally read it. They also have an Advanced Mac OS X book, but it's also old and isn't on their website anymore.


> based upon older versions of Xcode and Mac OS (like ~10 years old).

More crucially, I'd be curious what people's thoughts are on why the MacOS development community doesn't have newer resources like this.


Is there a macOs equivalent of the Windows Internals [0] books?

I recently came across ImGui [1] which uses C++. I assume that cross platform software from Adobe, Microsoft, etc have C++ at their core and would love to find more in the way of resources for C++ on mac. Anyone?

[0] https://www.amazon.com/Windows-Internals-Part-architecture-m...

[1] https://github.com/ocornut/imgui