Any plans for a portable Jupterlab Desktop?

I don't see a Portable Version of this software for Windows. I use Anaconda and it has it's own Jupyter but I would not mind having a Portable Desktop version of Jupyterlab that I could just bring up and have it work with the default Python or R interpreter in Conda.


Agreed that would be a killer feature. Unzip this package and get a functional Python + Jupyter + scientific (numpy, pandas, scipy, matplotlib) environment.

I have been on-and-off teaching some people Python and the initial setup on-ramp is horrible. Ok, so install Python, now ignore-this-for-now-complications: create a "virtualenv", use this thing called "pip", install these half-dozen things to get a basic notebook (Jupyter + scipy things), install these other half-dozen quality of life things, you should probably also have "conda" for the future, etc. That's a lot of nonsense for someone I am trying to show an alternative to Excel.

My shortcut, "You want to try Python?" approach has been to start with JupyterLite[0] where I can immediately get people coding and delay that pain.
