Which will be ready for February 2022

I know you're sarcastic but Bootstrap has been picking up steam recently. The jQuery removal has been in the work since 2017.

If you want faster releases then feel free to submit PRs :)

Really? I'd have guessed bootstrap will be phased out completely by CSS grid, which does essentially what bootstrap does...

I'm not a big fan of bootstrap but it does a heck of a lot more than just grid layouts. You can't just easily replace the components (modals, accordions, buttons, etc) with CSS grid.

It is not just `display: grid` that is replacing the layout. Now we also have interactive elements in the HTML spec[1] like `` and ``. We also have custom elements making an all in solution like bootstrap less desirable for everything except quick prototyping.

[1]: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interactive-elements....

Dialog is nice if you only support Chrome and Firefox. Maybe when Edge turns to Chromium it won't be as bad, but the truth is that Bootstrap is accessible in most if not all modern browsers, but the new HTML5 elements are not.

You can always drop in a polyfill[1], and when browser support picks up, you can remove it from your dependencies. That is what people used to do when they decided to omit jquery in favor of native web APIs a few years back.

[1]: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/dialog-polyfill