How come noone has managed to crack the RSS rock yet? Everything has an RSS feed (though it's decreasing). Rss readers have more content than any social network. It seems like you should be able to build something with this that has broad adoption. There has to be something missing.

My theory has been for a while that what is missing is publishing. People don't just want to consume, they also want to share what they find and like and what they made themselves. I even started working on a web-based rss-reader/(micro)blogging thing at one point. Maybe I should give that another crack.

If you don't know it, take a look at Shaarli[1], it's a bookmarking web app that allows you to share your bookmarks via RSS, you can add tags and comments, but you can also have "notes" without a link that can be used as microblogging posts.

It's a project from Sebsauvage[2] (an old school french blogger), who wanted to build a social network around the RSS technology.

I know there are projects around it to aggregate multiple shaarli and use it as an actual social network based around sharing links with RSS. I didn't search about it, but it seems that shaarlo[3] is one of them. EDIT: actually, projects like this are listed in shaarli's documentation[4].

EDIT2: tt-rss-shaarli seems to be what you want, Tiny-Tiny RSS with Shaarli, an aggregator with a sharing/commenting functionality.



