How about adding btrfs send/receive to your list?
Added, do you have some more info on that one, drawbacks, performance?
* Assumes remote is available 100% of the time. Recovery from downtime at the remote probably requires some manual intervention to get things back in sync.
* If the remote is in a different physical location with limited bandwidth between the hosts, compressing the stream on the fly isn't going to be particularly efficient with bandwidth.
I've built some scripts to help[3], dumping the necessary incremental streams into a local directory and then compressing them with lrzip[4]. This decouples the host and remote systems and the zfs streams compress really well: a 33Mb incremental stream I have here compresses to 4.4Mb with lrzip. Once you have a directory of compressed streams you can push them wherever you want (a remote server where you convert them back into zfs snapshots, giving you a live filesystem; S3 buckets etc.) You also are able to restore using standard operating system tools.
I'd assume btrfs is comparable, but haven't tried it myself.
[2]: see for example
[3]: currently in my local fork of zfstools at