(Fantastic post idea OP. One of the best I've ever seen :D)

Related to bloom filters, xor filters are faster and more memory efficient, but immutable.

HyperLogLog is an efficient way to estimate cardinality.

Coolest thing I've learned recently was Y-fast trie. If your dataset M is bounded integers (say, the set of all 128 bit numbers), you get membership, predecessor, or successor queries in log log time, not log, like in a normal tree.

see: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUl4u3cNGP61hsJNdULdu... (6.851 Advanced Data Structures, Erik Demaine)

Would love to learn more "stupidly fast at the cost of conceptual complexity" things.


(adding) I don't know a name for it, because it's not one thing but a combination, but once can:

Use the first N bits from a very quick hash of a key from an unknown distribution (say a file path, or a variable name, or an address, or a binary blob,..) as a way to "shard" this key across M other fast data structures (like a tree) for search/add/remove. By changing M, you can tune the size of the terms in the O(1)+O(log) equation for running time.

Trees getting too deep for fast search? Every increase of N moves the computation from the log search of the tree to the space tradeoff of having more trees.

Added benefit is you can scale to multiple threads easily. Instead of locking the whole tree, you lock a tiny sub-tree.

Very clever. (I first saw in the Aerospike key value store)

Big fan of HLL

Apache foundation has a fantastic DataSketches library that includes HLL and many other powerful data analytics algorithms: https://datasketches.apache.org/

Lee Rhodes has done an excellent introduction to this library - explaining some of the use cases, advantages, and things to be aware of when using these techniques: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO9pauS-mGQ

On sketches, there is a genre of structure for estimating histogram-like statistics (median, 99th centile, etc) in fixed space, which i really like. Two examples:

t-digest https://github.com/tdunning/t-digest

DDSketch https://github.com/DataDog/sketches-java