I've been using Webtorrent Desktop for quite a while now, and really enjoy using it generally, but there are some glaring issues around random freezes on fast connections, plenty of open issues on it with other users reporting the same experience: https://github.com/webtorrent/webtorrent-desktop/issues?q=is...
I've personally been working around this using a custom fork that messes around with the simultaneous connections settings of the webtorrent library, and it seems to help a bit, but I still get freezing from time to time when I download a large number of torrents simultaneously.
I wonder if an alternative Webtorrent implementation (not Webtorrent Desktop) in Rust on top of WASM might make those kinds of issues easier to avoid with its safeguards around concurrency and just generally making more efficient use of resources.
(Slightly edited repost from an earlier thread about Webtorrent, feels a lot more relevant on this one)
* https://github.com/anacrolix/torrent (Golang)
* https://github.com/arvidn/libtorrent (C++)
An implementation in Rust would be amazing, but there is a quite a bit of work to make that happen in pure Rust though! If you want to use FFI/unsafe code it is totally do-able :)