> In contrast, we apparently have no "package management theory". We have not figured out the primitives required to express dependencies

We have a good hunch. The basic theory behind Nix definitely goes in the right direction, and if we look away from all the surface-level nonsense going on in Nix, it's conceptually capable (e.g. [0]) of being a first-class language dependency manager.

For this to work at scale we'd need to overcome a couple of large problems though (in ascending order of complexity):

1. A better technical implementation of the model (working on it [1]).

2. A mindset shift to make people understand that "binary distribution" is not a goal, but a side-effect of a reasonable software addressing and caching model. Without this conceptual connection, everything is 10x harder (which is why e.g. Debian packaging is completely incomprehensible - their fundamental model is wrong).

3. A mindset shift to make people understand that their pet programming language is not actually a special snowflake. No matter what the size of your compilation units is, whether you call modules "modules", "classes" or "gorboodles", whether you allow odd features like mutually-recursive dependencies and build-time arbitrary code execution etc.: Your language fits into the same model as every other language. You don't have to NIH a package manager.

This last one is basically impossible at the current stage. Maybe somewhere down the line, if we manage to establish such a model successfully in a handful of languages and people see for themselves, but for now we have to just hold out.

[0]: https://code.tvl.fyi/about/nix/buildGo

[1]: https://cs.tvl.fyi/depot/-/tree/tvix/


I'm in a team that works on a pet prog lang for distributed systems, and we did some research of using an existing package managing systems. We've settled on NPM for now, but god I wish there would be a better generic package manager out there.

Not a generic package manager, but it's probably worth calling out asdf as the generic version manager[0] (maybe you're already aware of it, but it's a generic replacement for nvm, rvm, virtualenv, *vm, which supports any language based on plugins.)

Again, maybe you're already aware of it, but I think it's a nice example of genericising a concern common to many languages which sounds similar to what you're asking for (albeit unfortunately in a slightly different space).

[0] https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf