I really like the new search. Though sometimes it is a bit deceptive. I.e. when searching for a function name by clicking on a piece of code and suddenly you are in an entitely different code base with an unrelated function though it shares the name.
It feels like github code browsing is a step between a full editor with lsp and a static site. I Hope they work out the Kinks and make it more smooth
Supporting jump-to-definition natively seems like something that will be table stakes for any code hosting site in the future.
I can only think of one hosted repo service that provides a working go-to-definition feature and it is not github or sourcegraph. What makes you think this will suddenly become widespread? Github spent years doing this and their new thing is strictly non-semantic. It doesn't have the faintest idea where the name is defined, or if there's even a difference between a function name, a parameter name, or a word in a comment.
I don't think what you are saying is actually true for stack-graphs[0][1].
[0]: https://github.com/github/stack-graphs
[1]: https://github.blog/2021-12-09-introducing-stack-graphs/