Downloading it right now! But...

> Can I connect to the Internet? No. For what it's worth, the web was quite different 30 years ago - and you wouldn't be able to open even Google. However, Internet Explorer and Netscape are installed [...]

If IE and Netscape are available I'd assume this would be alright, unless it's some Electron thingy going on... how's that so?

Certainly they can be installed on the VM, doesn't mean that the VM has network drivers installed.

Separately, very old browsers only talk HTTP 1.0 (No Host: header support, so they can't connect to non-dedicated servers) and no modern ciphersuites. (Can't connect to HSTS servers that disallow insecure ciphers)

There was a project floating around recently that rendered the website as an image using a modern browser backend, transmitted it back to any old browser (was demonstrated using IE5, I think), and also mapped mouse clicks to the appropriate locations in the document so the page remained more or less interactive. The UI looked like an extra navigation bar.

Can't remember the name, though (and it's also hard to search for).

edit: browser history to the rescue, it's