If you prefer to read, this blogpost explains the same project: https://merlijn.sebrechts.be/blog/2022-09-05-wasm-k8s-contro...
Thank you for the link!
> Developers want to use Kubernetes in the edge, but it uses too much memory for most devices
...wow, I had absolutely no idea that this was a thing people wanted or a problem folks were out there trying to solve. No judgement, who am I to say with so little information whether it’s a good idea or not, just — what a concept eh
K8s doesn't need to do unlimited things.
Why run docker if you can push k8s further down with perhaps less features?
K8s could be as lightweight as nomad.
There's separated kubernetes api-only server (to run just the control plane) and a virtual kubelet implementation that actually runs systemd services.
Do you have a name or link?
SystemK (virtual kubelet): https://github.com/virtual-kubelet/systemk