I haven't used JSON Schema (knowingly, at least) in my professional software career. I wonder why that is. There are things that seem to supersede it, namely type systems. GraphQL types with compiled clients wouldn't have a need for this (I don't think?). Neither would Golang generated clients from GraphQL specs, nor gRPC/protobufs. JSON storage / data passing within applications is covered by Typescript.
For libraries that build/offer specific JSON outputs (maybe like an online editor that dumps out a JSON file on export), I would also expect that product would come with a client library with Typescript types that would give type safe access to the JSON data.
Maybe JSON schema is useful for RESTful resources to provide a payload definition of responses? And I guess consumers could then generate client definitions from the JSON schema? It seems weird to do that at runtime, so I'm guessing it would also be a compile step to generate clients from JSON schema? Or is there an intentional runtime use case?
Are there popular APIs/libraries/etc that use JSON Schema? I don't see a "used by" section on this site which could help folks understand where this sits in the modern software development industry.
- OpenAPI/Swagger (1), which is the industry standard for REST API. Used by Kubernetes among others for resource descriptions - OpenRPC (json-rpc standard) - Most YAML based configuration files.
GraphQL doesn't quite supersede JSONSchema because it doesn't deal with validation. (Something like Cue (https://cuelang.org/) might)
Type systems are not typically cross-language, which is where JSONSchema tends to be used a lot.
There are indeed a lot of openapi-based client generators. This one, for example, has been around for quite some time: https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator
(1) Kinda. OpenAPI schema and JSONSchema are largely intersecting sets but there are bits in both that aren't present in the other.