Finance means different things to different people. Are we talking about trading "finance" (including high frequency trading), investment banking "spreadsheet" finance, consumer or corporate "database" finance or maybe even (the horror, the horror) "defi" cryptofinance?

What is true is that finance in almost all its guises is a world apart in terms of information technology. Closed and proprietary, ultra expensive and arcane, highly regulated etc., it is an information technology branch that evolved separately and it shows.

Whether that will remain so is an interesting question. So called "fintech" has been a thing for a while. E.g. whatsapp is famously built on erlang, so if Meta wants to turn it into a super-app (the "Asian way") you will have a de-facto application in "consumer" mobile/payments finance.

Wasn't WeChat built in Erlang as well?

I think WhatsApp was Elixir

I think WhatsApp was Elixir

Erlang, actually; and they're still using it -- here's a paper-abstract[0] from Sept.2022 (and video of a talk[1]) about their open-source "EqWAlizer" tool[2] for statically-typing Erlang (as-is).

(EqWAlizer was discussed on an Erlang-related podcast[3], including its relationship to Dialyzer -- the original Erlang type-checking tool -- and it was briefly discussed on HN[4]).




