€ 899 is absurdly expensive for this device. As much as I'd love to play with non-intrusive "low-dynamic" displays, this is just too expensive.


I was excited, until I found out how much it costs..

For some time I have been looking a small screen that would be used for displaying various information. However, I don't want to build the hardware myself as I feel that the result might not be safe for 24/7 usage.

I've been checking digital photo frames, but have not found any solution which would allow updating the image directly and without requiring reverse engineering of an app or the device itself.

Inkplate[1] might be a good option for around 100€. Compared to Joan it's less polished. You can get 3d printed case and it requires some coding (it doesn't support rendering HTML).

I'm working on a personal dashboard for the screen. I'll create a website in React and then use rendertron[2] to get the screenshot on the Inkplate.

[1] https://inkplate.io/ [2] https://github.com/GoogleChrome/rendertron