To be perfectly fair, it’s working on Linux natively. Since it runs on stadia.

I was part of the efforts of putting The Division 2 on stadia and it really is “just Linux” for the most part.

The elf binaries ran essentially flawlessly on my linux machine (although my machine was under powered for the game.)

Sadly we never released the game on Linux to the public.

> The elf binaries ran essentially flawlessly on my linux machine (although my machine was under powered for the game.)

> Sadly we never released the game on Linux to the public.

That's an improvement over not having a Linux port at all, as it reduces the investment needed to publish the game to Linux eventually. Once the Linux gaming market is big enough, studios might consider to release the game.

I run Linux, and play games, but all in all, I strongly believe that Wine ports are the only realistic, less-worse, alternative. I'm not the only one - Carmack expressed the same (although, to be fair, I've never read other high-profile devs discussing this idea).

This is a real-world Linux game production story: Note that the developers tried hard to release the native Linux port.

Crucial excerpt (from

> We eventually laid out a guide with known good versions of Linux and graphics drivers, but it didn't matter. Part of the allure of Linux is the customizability, so few actually stuck to it, and generally wanted to run the game on older hardware we didn't support.

In order for Linux games production to be economically viable, there should be a Linux gaming standard, but because of the Linux culture, there will never be (there's nothing wrong; it's just its nature). Even if somebody came up with a gaming standard... xkcd explains what would happen:

I'm not considering adhoc Linux gaming distributions like SteamOS, as they would have to be treated as an independently installed, separate, operating system.

There is the steam linux environment [1] which is pretty standard for native linux builds on steam. And that works independently of the distribution steam is actually installed on. I think it should be possible to use it without steam too..
