I'm seeing a lot of people speculating about which bank this might be; I think the point is that it's all of them. I could loosely describe a previous job as implementing Morgan Stanley's Walpole and integrating more source code management into Minerva (even though that system wasn't actually Python-based).

Having a global view on everything is large banks' value-add, it's why they haven't been outcompeted by their more nimble competitors. Being able to calculate the risk of the whole bank isn't just a cool feature, it's the core value proposition of this platform.

Being able to just upload your code and run it is really cool, and if you squint it looks a bit like what the outside world is trying to set up with serverless/lambda-style platforms - just write a function, submit it, and there, it's running. (But it's worth remembering that Python is not a typical programming language; python build, dependency and deployment management is exceptionally awful in every respect, this isn't as big a pain point in other languages). Obviously there's a tension between this and having good version control, diffs, easy rollbacks etc. - but because Minevera is already designed to do all that for data (because you need that kind of functionality for modifications to your bonds or whatever), doing it this way strikes a much better compromise than something like editing PHP files directly on your live server.

What this article calls data-first design has a lot in common with functional programming. I hope that as the outside world adopts more functional programming and non-relational datastores, Minerva-style programming will get more popular. It really is a much better way to write code in many ways. The difficulty of integrating with outside libraries is a shame though.

I think it’s mostly true. The complaint with this kind of “industrial global Python code base”, be it at banks or elsewhere, is that often they are hastily cobbled together and depend on extreme user care to not flop over all the time.

I guess banks are the archetypal places that care only about feature creation and not about maintenance or technical debt. When something does break in the end, someone senior just shouts at the poor devs until it works again - usually fixed with a hasty patch again.

Similarly, documentation? Access control? Sanity? These seem to be left behind.

You could not be more wrong. Quartz has first class documentation, solid tooling, very well thought out and rigorous code review and access controls. Banks are regulated up to the eyeballs, so everything has to be audited and justified in detail.

It's not nirvana, these are real working systems built by humans with human failings. There are tradeoffs. Not every application is suited to these sorts of platforms, but the people building these things are top notch technologists and know what they're doing.

For some reason people think everything is as good as it can be at FAANG and other big name tech companies, and everyone else just walks around with their pants down at their ankles bumping into walls until 5:00. It’s just not true.

I mean, it's not just FAANG. Literally everyone except banks use the standard Python environment. simonh is right about the reason for the forked tech stack.

Actually, it's probably not FAANG folks at all. I'd expect ex-FAANG folks to be more sympathetic to the forked python situation... FAANGs have an abundance of non-standard and frustrating infra (wasn't 5TB just posted yesterday?), and maybe even on steroids compared to banks (do any of the FAANGs not have at least one custom linux kernel?) Hell, both As roll a shitload of their own silicon.


Facebook literally maintains a python fork: https://github.com/facebookincubator/cinder

Google invented "NoSQL" before anyone else knew what it was, and all those "cloud" tools they used internally were obviously proprietary (except the ones they open sourced). Ex-Googlers I work with typically had to spend quite a bit of time re-adjusting to the "inferior" tools and processes in other companies.

Microsoft invented their own development ecosystem, and the only reason it's "common" or "standard" in the tech community is because they sell it as a product. This is the same for Apple at least for iOS development, and Amazon for their cloud service offerings.

When companies have millions of dollars to spend on maintaining a custom development environment that they think will give them a competitive edge, they will do it. It's the smaller shops that can't afford not to go with the flow, so to speak.