I'm in love with React Native. We're delivering the Android & iOS application we've been working on for the last three months this week, and it's been a phenomenal experience. Far more stable, and far more powerful than I expected going in to it; combined with Redux (though react-redux needed npm 3 and some tweaks to get it working due to name collisions under the packager) we built out a real cross platform app faster than I ever though possible.

Applying that to native desktop application development has me so excited its not even funny!

I wonder is there any way to reuse your already existing React Native app within Electron so that you can also achieve both OSX and Windows support?

You could use it in combination with react-native-web [1], which basically allows you to use same view layer code for native and web. Using this inside electron should be OK...

[1]: https://github.com/necolas/react-native-web