Q: Should one get familiar/experienced with React[0][1] first before jumping into React Native dev?

Or is this tutorial sufficiently stand-alone without React (web) experience?

[0] http://survivejs.com/react/introduction/

[1] https://online.reacttraining.com/p/reactjsfundamentals

I'd be interested in hearing from people who have learned through this site, but my aim is:

One should be able to learn React Native directly through this tutorial, without starting with React for web. The main prerequisite is ES5 JavaScript. The tutorial makes analogies to HTML/CSS/React and other web technologies, but these aren't crucial to understanding the material.

Thanks for putting the effort. Though my knowledge is limited but I don't get this. Why React is different from React Native? Ideally web should be another target just like iOS or Android.

The "React" part is the same regardless of web or native. But there are a lot of other concerns for web (css, DOM stuff, and integrating libraries that use those two).

Ideally web is just another taraget :) https://github.com/necolas/react-native-web

That said, while writing a website with react-native-web is potentially interesting for new sites, it can be less worthwhile for an existing site to just embed a little bit (which is one of the huge values of React). It's also still very experimental. But I suspect it will be supported in a huge way soon.