I'm a bit lost on the appeal of webassembly. I can see why it's kinda cool to be able to ship a different language to browser and retain performance and bundle sizes, but the problem is I, and everyone else I know, has little to no interest writing C/C++/Rust in the browser.

Most of the people I know want to write Java/Python/Ruby/Elixir/Scala/C#/Clojure in the browser: high level scripting/VM based langauges which require no memory management and have high level features and data structures. As far as I can tell, these can't target WebAssembly since they don't target LLVM (and you certainly will never be able to compile a language like Ruby to LLVM)

I'd love to hear some of you guys talk about what uses you have for Webassembly and what exciting things it will let you do.

I am excited to write some Rust in the browser, and have been tinkering with what it might look to have a rust frontend framework with ergonomics comparable to what you might expect in other high level languages. (https://anowell.github.io/quasar/)

That said, I agree that more people will want to work in higher level languages, though I kinda suspect "most" are going to still prefer Javascript for the forseeable future - so I sorta see JS compiling to WASM as inevitable.

It's funny... the tactic that ReactNative runs for JS in different environments may well be contrasted with a "BrowserNative" library that bridges browser UI with another compiled (webasm) language.