Flutter has massive battery drain issues on macOS and Google appears to be saying that it's unfixable. That kills it for me unfortunately.



I've been pretty excited about the possibility of using Flutter in the future potentially, once it gets good, that issue got my hopes down a lot. You know a project is not in good hands when they say spending 6~10% of the CPU for rendering a blinking cursor is justified.

I was excited about using Flutter "when it got good" almost 2 years ago now. At this point I just go for React Native if I need an app for mobile and web, and React if I just need a web app.

That's a practical solution, but IMO React is playing a fundamentally different game here, they have Native for mobile apps, and third-party (!) support for Windows and Mac (what about Linux?). Native doesn't even support the web, like React and React Native are two different things, they just share a somewhat similar UI framework basically.

Flutter on the other hand is architected as a solve-it-all solution. They even went as far as designing Dart rather than hacking a decent solution on top of JS and the current mess of web standards. IMO that's a much more interesting and powerful approach, that isn't fully ready yet, but if it ever becomes actually good I'll personally probably jump ship and use it for everything.

React Native Web exists [0]. But I agree, having parts be third party doesn't mesh well with being a complete framework for building apps (on whatever platform you need).

[0] https://github.com/necolas/react-native-web