I was hoping for something like ChromiumOS. I'm not sure what's the point the author is trying to make here.

I am still waiting for a Ubuntu Spin that attempts to do this. It would make for a nice change.

> I am still waiting for a Ubuntu Spin that attempts to do this.

You made me curious: what does mean _this_ in your comment? What do you like in ChromiumOS and would like to see in Ubuntu? What is in Ubuntu that you would like to have replaced with a ChromiumOS-like alternative?

Possibly some lightweight custom DE based on Gnome's SDK, like tiling manager possibly, to give it a ChromiumOS vibe, but you can still use other utils from Ubuntu. But one that's not too focused on shortcuts only.

Could you expand what do you mean by "ChromiumOS vibe" (ELI5)? Do you look for a i3 inside GNOME Shell?

PaperWM[0] is an example of a tiled scrolling (window) manager based on GNOME SDK (Mutter) that runs in GNOME session.

[0]: https://github.com/paperwm/PaperWM