This has been a problem with many compilers that aren't MSVC. I had antiviruses claim issues with Free Pascal as well as less used C compilers.

My solution to this "problem" is to simply ignore it - there isn't anything i can do about it anyway - and tell anyone who asks that it is a false positive.

Though FWIW Windows Defender (or whatever the antivirus installed by default is called) so far never had a false positive. Perhaps other antiviruses are over-eager to justify their existence - and price - so they have an incentive to scare the clueless users.

A possible work around: is there any blessed assembler? Like can you tie into MSVC's assembler? This does sound kind of dumb but, idk.

Does LLVM work? Does is there a Nim frontend for LLVM? I guess you can always compile Nim into C as it was done in the past I believe.

> is there a Nim frontend for LLVM?

Yes there is.