Am I the only one having problems to follow .gif "demos"?

When I get to the image, it is in the middle of everything and I don't really have an idea what is going on. Even watching it multiple times, I am not sure where it starts, ends, what the individual steps are.

Or is it because I just don't know enough about this stuff?

Oh, and to make this more than a simple rant/whine, some constructive suggestions that could possibly solve the problem:

- Normal video with playback controls?

- Add a clearly distinguishable "this is where it starts" screen.

- Is there maybe a way to control playback of a gif via JS/HTML? Add a "restart" button.

- Add a timeline into the .gif that shows where I am (similar to usual video player).

Even better - make it an ASCIInema which gives you all that... and the ability to record from bash and copy and paste commands!

I've not had the opportunity to use this project yet, but seems to be another nice alternative. It provides the option of using templates that have playback controls or a progress bar. Also supports copying from the "terminal" like asciinema does.