I've been working with Django for almost my whole career, since 1.1. It's a joy to use, and blows any other web framework I've used out of the water when it comes to actually just building stuff.

Django is a fantastic boring[1] tool, and seeing boring updates like this is great.

1: http://mcfunley.com/choose-boring-technology

What do you use to write your front end Javascript?

Not OP, but I've also been using Django for (more than) my whole career and I use React on the frontend.

If you're curious about the frontend path I took, it was roughly:

* jQuery with no framework

* Backbone (for a couple years)

* Backbone + Marionette (for a couple more years)

* Angular (for about a week)

* React (for the past few years)

When you moved to Angular and later to React did you have any jQuery heavy libraries?

I'm using stuff like slickgrid[0], jquery-ui datepicker, json-editor[1] and wonder how I will drive these components from something like Angular or React?

doh, quickly googled for the github links below and saw there now a slickgrid-es6[2] fork which I have not tried. But my question still stand: how do you drive jquery libs from newer frameworks?

[0]: https://github.com/6pac/SlickGrid/wiki

[1]: https://github.com/json-editor/json-editor

[2]: https://github.com/DimitarChristoff/slickgrid-es6