On 1.6, I tried "] add Plots" and julia got stuck.

Please file an issue describing the situation: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/new

After the issue, I nuked the .julia folder, and now it is taking too long to clone the "JuliaRegistries/General.git" repo.

By the download speed, it might take a few hours before I can plot something.

It also seems that just doing "git clone JuliaRegistries/General.git" is much faster than doing "] add Plots"

> (@v1.6) pkg> add Plots Installing known registries into `~\.julia` Cloning registry from "https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git" Fetching: [==> ] 3.4 %

I gave up because it's just too slow (more than 15 min to get to 3%).

Maybe plotting is indeed faster, but I don't think I'll actually get to that point.