Cache-Oblivious Data Structures:

A vaguely related notion is that naive analysis of big-O complexity in typical CS texts ignores over the increasing latency/cost of data access as the data size grows. This can't be ignored, no matter how much we would like to hand-wave it away, because physics gets in the way.

A way to think about it is that a CPU core is like a central point with "rings" of data arranged around it in a more-or-less a flat plane. The L1 cache is a tiny ring, then L2 is a bit further out physically and has a larger area, then L3 is even bigger and further away, etc... all the way out to permanent storage that's potentially across the building somewhere in a disk array.

In essence, as data size 'n' grows, the random access time grows as sqrt(n), because that's the radius of the growing circle with area 'n'.

Hence, a lot of algorithms that on paper have identical performance don't in reality, because one of the two may have an extra sqrt(n) factor in there.

This is why streaming and array-based data structures and algorithms tend to be faster than random-access, even if the latter is theoretically more efficient. So for example merge join is faster than nested loop join, even though they have the same performance in theory.

Realtime collision detection[1] has a fantastic chapter in this with some really good practical examples if I remember right.

Great book, I used to refer to it as 3D "data structures" book which is very much in theme with this thread.


The implicit grid data structure from there is a personal favorite of mine. I used it in a game once and it performed incredibly well for our use case.

It's a bit too complicated to totally summarize here, but it uses a bit per object in the scene. Then bit-wise operations are used to perform quick set operations on objects.

This data structure got me generally interested in algorithms that use bits for set operations. I found the Roaring Bitmap github page has a lot of useful information and references wrt this topic: