Cool! Just to clarify the idea, it's not rendering it on screen (I was first curious how you'd do that from Rust in a simple example), but rather saves image frames.

When I wrote my ray tracer, I set up a simple websocket server to stream pixels to a canvas element.[1] it’s a trivial way to do this without a ton of GUI code.


Interesting. I'd guess you could do it without GUI, but you still need access to something like WSI / Vulkan to actually get to the screen if you want to do it directly.

“Minimal code to put pixels on the screen?” is a question I’ve seen often enough that I’ve made a little gist to link whenever it comes up. It requires But, making a window and putting some pixels in it, on all the world’s varied platforms, is the premier feature of that lib.

MiniFB is also nice for this purpose: