Then why pay $200k for a software engineer in the valley when the same talent can live outside of the bay area and can do with 1/3rd of the salary? The question I have is what portion of the $200k salary is 1) due to the raw talent of the individual 2) because they live in the bay area.

I wfh and I won't work for a company that bases my pay on my zipcode (Gitlab). I want complete flexibility on where I live. There are plenty of remote companies that don't do that, especially now post-covid.

I wish more people would reject zip code COL so that companies starting to WFH don't just take Gitlabs idea of it.

>There are plenty of remote companies that don't do that

Care to name some?

This is a good list and lets you know if they're globally competitive or not. I'm not sure how much it's been maintained since covid so ymmv;