This is the missing piece on cloud for masses
* we already have compute scale-to-zero (cloudrun, lambda,
* Network is default pay for use. Storage (S3) is default pay for use.
* The only piece in the stack that was always-on was the database (only serverless db thus far was firestore, or something like sqlite+litestream)
With something like this we get a solid RDBMS engineered to be scale-to-zero, and with good developer experience.This opens up a world of try-out mini applications that cost cents to host. serverless db (postgres) + serverless compute (cloud-run) + use as you go storage+network. This is a paradigm-shift stack. Exciting days ahead.
There are plenty of serverless database options already: Firestore, DynamoDB, CosmosDB, FaunaDB, even MongoDB, and there are "newsql" distributed relational systems like CockroachDB and Planetscale with serverless plans.
Hi Mani! For sure there are many serverless options - fewer that separated storage and compute and fewer that are open source end-to-end. Neon is also 100% compatible with Postgres (unlike CockroachDB) because compute is Postgres.
Our intention is to standardize the separation of storage and compute cloud architecture - that's why it's open source under the Apache 2.0 license.
You should update your HN profile :). Neon looks really great. Far more interesting to me and my team than S2.
I noticed you mention Azure BS in your RFCs as a potential backend. Have you done much work towards that yet?
However, if you really can't wait to run Neon on Azure, you could contribute the integration yourself: the code is available under Apache 2 at