This is the missing piece on cloud for masses

  * we already have compute scale-to-zero (cloudrun, lambda,

  * Network is default pay for use. Storage (S3) is default pay for use.

  * The only piece in the stack that was always-on was the database (only serverless db thus far was firestore, or something like sqlite+litestream)
With something like this we get a solid RDBMS engineered to be scale-to-zero, and with good developer experience.

This opens up a world of try-out mini applications that cost cents to host. serverless db (postgres) + serverless compute (cloud-run) + use as you go storage+network. This is a paradigm-shift stack. Exciting days ahead.

There are plenty of serverless database options already: Firestore, DynamoDB, CosmosDB, FaunaDB, even MongoDB, and there are "newsql" distributed relational systems like CockroachDB and Planetscale with serverless plans.

Hi Mani! For sure there are many serverless options - fewer that separated storage and compute and fewer that are open source end-to-end. Neon is also 100% compatible with Postgres (unlike CockroachDB) because compute is Postgres.

Our intention is to standardize the separation of storage and compute cloud architecture - that's why it's open source under the Apache 2.0 license.

You should update your HN profile :). Neon looks really great. Far more interesting to me and my team than S2.

I noticed you mention Azure BS in your RFCs as a potential backend. Have you done much work towards that yet?

For now we've focused on making the product production-ready on AWS, so that we can get users to try it out. Once the model has been proven we'll likely branch out to other clouds.

However, if you really can't wait to run Neon on Azure, you could contribute the integration yourself: the code is available under Apache 2 at