This is all great advice.

The one thing this does miss is distribution, which is a HUGE part of offering a great CLI app. Specifically, I'd say:

1. Make your OFFICIAL distribution channel the primary package manager on each platform (ex: on Mac, homebrew. Ubuntu, apt/snap). Beyond that, support as many as you have capacity to.

2. Also offer an official docker image which fully encapsulates the CLI tool and all of its dependencies. This can be a great way to get a CLI tool loaded into a bespoke CI environment.

Homebrew is NOT the primary package manager on Mac and I wish people would stop perpetuating that falsehood. Apple includes pkgutil/pkgbuild in the OS and that official package management strategy plays much better with corporate IT control of managed machines.

In my experience, Homebrew always eventually results in pain and complex debugging and it's almost impossible to audit software it installs to prevent the installation of prohibited or dangerous software.

It's really not that hard to build a .pkg file and developers that want to properly support the Mac platform should go down that path before offering Homebrew support.

App Store is the primary package manager on Mac (which can be used from CLI). Homebrew is the defacto standard complimentary package manager on Mac. Whether you like the fact it is the defacto standard or not is irrelevant.

> App Store is the primary package manager on Mac (which can be used from CLI)

How so? I’m not aware of anything built-in that allows for this.

This can be done using the mas-cli. It's not official, but works decently well.