A user only needs to create a transaction if they upload something. The 175k Facebook requests per second that they compare to is mostly just people looking at stuff, which wouldn't require a transaction.

Nope, that's a low end estimate of writes.

"Every 60 seconds on Facebook: 510,000 comments are posted, 293,000 statuses are updated, and 136,000 photos are uploaded."


Most of those writes don't need to be serialized transactions. Other p2p data structures like CRDTs and torrents are sufficient for posting comments and uploading photos; see the decentralized social network Patchwork[1] (based on scuttlebutt[2]).

The blockchain itself will only be needed for certain types of transactions, for instance those around identity (e.g. name registration), and reputation/spam prevention (forum moderators).

1. https://github.com/ssbc/patchwork 2. https://github.com/dominictarr/scuttlebutt