NewsBlur's founder here. I'll attempt to explain what's happening.

This situation is more of a script kiddie than a hacker. I'm in the process of moving everything on NewsBlur over to Docker containers in prep for the big redesign launching next week. It's been a great year of maintenance and I've enjoyed the fruits of Ansible + Docker for NewsBlur's 5 database servers (PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, Elasticsearch, and soon ML models).

About two hours before this happened, I switched the MongoDB cluster over to the new servers. When I did that, I shut down the original primary in order to delete it in a few days when all was well. (Thank goodness I did that! It'll come in handy a few hours from now).

Turns out the ufw firewall I enabled and diligently kept on a strict allowlist with only my internal servers didn't work on a new server because of Docker. When I containerized MongoDB, Docker helpfully inserted an allow rule into iptables, opening up MongoDB to the world. So while my firewall was "active", doing a `sudo iptables -L | grep 27017` showed that MongoDB was open the world. More info on SO[1].

To be honest, I'm a bit surprised it took over 3 hours from when I flipped the switch to when a script kiddie dropped NewsBlur's MongoDB collections, and ransomed about 250GB of data. I am now running a snapshot on that old primary, just in case it reconnects to a network and deletes everything. Once done, I'll boot it up, secondary it out, and be back in business. Let's hope my assumptions hold.


Here's the fix to prevent docker messing with ufw rules: