I miss the days where app installation was just "unzip, edit the config file, upload to your web server and hit up the install page". Now it's all Docker and gulp and build and urgh soooo complicated.
Couldn't agree more! The real irony is that usually it's sold as "Docker makes installing, upgrading and maintaining easier."
Running an arbitrary thing in Docker is far easier than without it. If I want to run the PHP/MySQL-based Matomo, I can just grab the ready-made docker-compose.yml [0] and tell my main nginx to proxy_pass onto it. I don’t need to figure out how to configure MySQL/MariaDB/PHP-FPM and what hacks did my distro introduce to it (at least I’m not using Debian/Ubuntu, so there shouldn’t be that many). Similarly, I can get Zulip in Docker [1] (even if it’s apparently in alpha state) and not mess with the Python packaging trainwreck, and also setting up all of Redis, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ and memcached.
[0]: https://github.com/matomo-org/docker/tree/master/.examples/n...