Whenever one of these threads about Google (or Apple) come up, I am shocked at the lack of response from people working at those companies. It seems reasonable that this site would be where you'd find someone from a team that interacted with logic that OP is having trouble with.

I'd expect to see something like a "hey, yeah, I know a guy on our team that might be able to get in touch with the team who maintains this. I've sent them this thread"...

I'm hoping OP got a private message.

> I'm hoping OP got a private message.

I'm not. I have the same problem -- or I will if I ever lose my 2 factor identification keys, which are held by Authy NOT by myself. I always assumed that my one-time-codes (which I have carefully secured and protected) would be usable to regain control over my account. If that's not the case, then I want Google to fix it for EVERYONE.

Not sure if this is still accurate or not, but you used to be able to use the element inspector to export your keys from the Authy chrome extension (I can't find the original script I used, but I did find this one for developer mode [1]). This is how I migrated to WinAuth (dead project, but still works. Theoretically secured by windows itself, so shouldn't matter I think?). I've since migrated my mobile devices to Aegis[2], which I'm trusting sandboxing to secure; new otp are still added to Authy solely as backup.

Aegis supports importing from a bunch of apps, as does android-otp-extractor, both need root to do so. Aegis can also import backups from a bunch of different apps.

[1] https://gbatemp.net/threads/extract-your-totp-keys-from-auth... [2] https://github.com/beemdevelopment/Aegis [3] https://github.com/puddly/android-otp-extractor