> whenever I install it via apt

You have the option to create a virtualenv and install it with pip, or snap, or use a docker image. See [1]. This has a couple of advantages:

* you'll get the latest version from the maintainers - for instance right now only debian unstable has the latest 1.18.0 version - debian testing bundles 1.12.0-2 * you won't be adding system packages that might affect other parts of the system

[1] https://certbot.eff.org/docs/install.html#alternate-installa...

> You have the option to create a virtualenv and install it with pip, or snap, or use a docker image.

You could jump through all those silly hoops (most of which will be completely alien to people who are not Python devs) in order to use the "official" dependency-heavy Python client.

Or you could just use a single pre-compiled Go binary, LEGO [1].

I have been increasingly favouring Go recently because the functions delivered to the end-user are dependency free, you can just ship simple single binaries instead of having to say "oh you need Python X with this that and whatever other Python library under the kitchen sink installed on your system".

And that's before we start talking about conflicts that can occur between Python libraries....which, let's face it will happen in an "average Joe" environment where Joe is just randomly using apt to install any Python dependencies.
