I keep trying to learn rust but fail miserably.

They do say on their website that there's a hump that you have to climb over before everything fits into place, which is probably applicable to everything you'll learn, but sometimes I think that hump is too much of a hurdle

How are you trying? What are you getting stuck on? I'd love to improve things.

Not OP, but as someone who theoretically would like Rust - I'll bite. Maybe my usecase is a common one.

I understand memory management in C. I understand it modern C++ (destruction when going out of scope, smart pointers etc).

Basically, a description and discussion of borrow-checking for people who have already used system programming languages would be really helpful. I feel like the book is targeting people who have only used garbage collected languages.

Or is the memory management of rust so novel it can't be described in those terms? I find the concepts aren't very concrete to me.

Have you tried looking at https://github.com/nrc/r4cppp ?