I wish somebody would create a DL/GAN/style-transfer tool to automatically change the style of any website into https://motherfuckingwebsite.com/

(regardless of how the website is structured, so deleting the CSS doesn't count)

I think that is very good (even though they say it is satire, it is good). (The end user should apply their own CSS if wanted; my idea of "meta-CSS" (not implemented or even properly defined yet) would allow the end user to conditionally apply CSS, so that for example it will only apply to those that don't have their own CSS (or whatever other criteria you might want); meta-CSS would also be the way for the user to configure media queries such as dark mode preference, etc.)

For some web pages, deleting the CSS can help, sometimes not. Perhaps the way to go about such a thing is to consider mainly HTML, also considering CSS and ARIA to fix the layout (some web pages have forms that don't work correctly when CSS is disabled, but I have seen them have ARIA; an implementation could use ARIA to fix up any forms that are broken by doing so). So, while the CSS can be deleted, it still might need to consider it for some purposes, such as checking if something should be removed or formatted differently (e.g. emphasis, fixpitch, etc; HTML can specify such things too but it is not always done properly).

(That web page does have Google Analytics, with the comment "yes, I know...wanna fight about it?" preceding it, but you can just disable JavaScripts to avoid it.)

> (The end user should apply their own CSS if wanted;

I still remember the time when user styles were a first class feature built into all browsers. Hell, that 'C' in CSS - "Cascading" - was always there to allow styles to enhance/override prior styles, including allowing the user to override website's styling. Back before web designers ruined everything by making every web page into its own special snowflake, people thought users would have one or two default CSS sheets to choose from and apply to any webpage, the way we today think about "dark mode".

These days, we have to resort to using browser extensions. A well-known one is Stylus [0][1]. In a way, it's much better than old built-in user styles. But then, it's not built in. Still, it's a nice way to fix up some of the frequently visited websites.


[0] - https://github.com/openstyles/stylus

[1] - Mind the name, it's "Stylus", not "Stylish" - the latter used to be popular, but then it sold out and become another peace of surveillance capitalism detritus. Stylus is a GPLv3 fork of Stylish with data collection removed.