The design of HN has similar issues, honestly, especially on links you've already visited:

Which parts are links? Which aren't? It's a little more obvious that the main text is a link but not obvious that you can click to view the comments. (It can be inferred, of course, but I don't believe that should be necessary.)

A little styling to add underlines back to links, plus a little bold to indicate the comments page, fixes this:

Some might say that this looks ugly, and that's a valid view. But to me, it's usable.

(Why are both the "time posted" link and the comments link bolded? Because they both go to the same place. I didn't even know before I made this style that that was the case! I was surprised to see that the style I made did both, but I'm not complaining.)

Could you share your style? I'd like to use it too.

Sure! I've cleaned up the CSS a little bit since it was originally only for private use, and published it under CC0 at . You should be able to use it with an extension like Stylus[0].
