Have been using this new theme since beta. I love the much cleaner look more than the previous one. One can always tune the CSS yourself at the user's preference near the theme selector. The only thing I need to adjust to my liking is to limit the line width:

    main#content {
      max-width: 40em;
For those who hate it: you will always have the option to switch back to the old theme.

I really hope any website could be as flexible as Wikipedia to allow users to write their own CSS.

>I really hope any website could be as flexible as Wikipedia to allow users to write their own CSS.

Once upon a time, there was an initiative for websites to add a unique CSS ID to the

tag so users could customize them with user stylesheets.

For example:

for this website, and then users can apply CSS rules as they see fit via the user stylesheet.

Sadly, the initiative never took off and most browsers nowadays don't even know what a user stylesheet is.

Boy do I have good news [1] for you.

[1]: https://github.com/openstyles/stylus