I'm a C programmer, I began in ~1995, and I mostly wrote C for my entire career/hobby stuff, apart from assembly, and Python for scripting purposes.
I tried Rust, wrote a raytracer and a GameBoy emulator to learn the language. But I still find it VERY hard and slow to write on a daily basis. You can't just test anything with it. Either you thought the whole project well at the beginning, or you'll need to rewrite everything from the start.
I understand Rust is meant to be clean, no undefined behaviours, everything explict. But as a C programmer, that's just the opposite of what I am accustomed to.
Are there documentations, books, tutorials, whatever, that explain to someone like me how Rust works from a C expert's perspective ?
(To be clear, my brain is NOT a clean slate, and I think we are legion. I've spend sometimes days to understand how to clear a Rust compiler error, and it ends with the copy of a whole megabyte of a structure because I don't think how I should think in Rust)
It’s almost as if you need to completely unlearn behaviours before you can learn the “the rust way”.
I think the standard path is this “book” (GitHub repo): https://github.com/nrc/r4cppp