I feel like Rails is really starting to see some new life that has felt a bit absent from it for a while now. It almost seems like there is a new generation of people extremely burned out from the constant churn of the “JS-all-the-things” movement that just took over most of web development for the past several years.

There is a lot of exciting stuff landing in Rails and it’s surrounding ecosystems at the moment and I think it’s still probably the best choice for many new SAAS / web app based companies and startups.

What are some of the other exciting things happening in the Rails world these days?

Here are a few interesting pieces in Rails specifically:

- https://github.com/hopsoft/stimulus_reflex is inspired by Phoenix LiveView and is getting a bit of traction around me

- https://github.com/hopsoft/cable_ready is a companion project

- https://github.com/discourse/message_bus by Sam Saffron from Discourse is a nice way to implement live updates too, quite easily (video demo at https://twitter.com/thibaut_barrere/status/12565974431075860...)

- https://lamby.custominktech.com is a Rails + AWS Lambda integration which is also gaining a bit of traction

I also see interesting stuff in Ruby more generally these days:

- my own https://www.kiba-etl.org (data processing framework) is growing nicely

- https://sidekiq.org is very solid and used in most Rails app I've seen

- https://github.com/contribsys/faktory allows interop-jobs (e.g. create from Ruby, consume from something else), which is also interesting

- https://github.com/oracle/truffleruby is making very good progress

Just a few cherry-picked links, but I definitely think there are some nice evolutions going on in the Ruby world (speaking as someone also using Elixir in production!).