I thought Shopify wanted to migrate to TruffleRuby which would likely give them at least a 2x speedup?

You can enable YJIT and get a ~30% speedup by passing an extra environment variable to your Docker container. Moving away from CRuby to an alternative Ruby is a lot harder than that.

Also Oracle.

> Moving away from CRuby to an alternative Ruby is a lot harder than that.

In what way? Truffleruby passes over 97% of CRuby's specs and it runs on my command-line without any problems so far. It was easy to install too. I'm sure if I dig into those failing specs I'll find something but will it be important? I'd love to know.

From the Truffleruby repo [1]:

> Regarding performance, TruffleRuby is by far the fastest Ruby implementation on the yjit-bench benchmark suite which includes railsbench, etc. To achieve this performance TruffleRuby needs a fair amount of warmup, as other advanced JIT compilers do. If you find any performance issue, please see this guide.

One benefit of YJIT + cruby is it doesn't have the same warmup costs. If you're deploying many times a day, this JIT warmup becomes a dominant factor.

[1] https://github.com/oracle/truffleruby