For anyone thinking Ruby is dying or slow, it's not the reason people like me used it and sticked with it in first place! It's about the experience when you write the code itself. It's natural, like a flow of water, and you're suddenly in Zen mode, where your thought just naturally flow without even you're aware or not.

I first time learn Ruby from zero to "hero" in production confidently is in just under a week. And as far as i know, no other language could bring me such experience.

The main issue I have with Ruby / Python is the fact that it's duck typed, it makes the maintenance and refactor pretty hazardous.

You get objects you don't know what's in there, 6 month later someone changed it, no compile error but it will break when you run it.

And so to overcome those major issues they added really ugly stuff that is not core to the language, linters, annotations etc ...

I still think it's a great choice for smaller projects. I can't imagine it at the scale of shopify.

Apparently they couldn't imagine it either[1].


This is built by Stripe, not Shopify.

It is, but Shopify uses it as well and maintains the companion tool, tapioca.

Tapioca is used to generate type signatures on gems and code that creates functions at runtime. Sorbet ships with some of that behavior, but they updated their docs to recommend tapioca over sorbet where the behavior overlaps.