> Good, descriptive commit messages
All of the examples given in the image going that heading I'd say are mediocre at best.
The code changes should tell you what has changed, if I'm looking back through your commit history what I'm usually trying figure out is why you've changed something.
A ticket number is often the single most useful thing, ideally followed why a very brief what you've changed and as much information on why you've changed it as you think would be useful.
I think the point was mostly that 'lol' or 'meh' is a completely useless comment. It's true that there's a lot of room for improvements in the given example. Still, they do provide some context to people who actually understand the application they are working on.
Does anyone know of good open source project that uses Git messages extremely well that we could use as an example?
Git's commit log is probably the most detailed and informative log I've ever seen. And it's a bit fun to have a glance at Linus Torvald's old initial commits from 2005 :-)
(You might want to check the 'pu' branch rather than the 'master' branch. And there're lots of 'Merge branch...' commits that aren't super interesting.)