Prisma's architecture seems novel and ... a little strange to me. It works by running a Rust engine as a subprocess and then communicating with the engine from JS land over a non-spec compliant GraphQL API. The engine holds the actual databae connection pool and does all the SQL generation and data marshalling. See for more info on this arrangement.
It has some weird ramifications though:
- when they go to implement a new feature (like recently added JSON column support) they have to implement it on both sides which can cause bugs like this:
- they're a little limited to the semantics of GraphQL based RPC, which namely excludes any stateful stuff like arbitrary START TRANSACTION; blocks that might or might not commit. See for more info on that
- they don't run everywhere JavaScript runs like the browser or Cloudflare Workers (unless there's something fancy that compiles the engine to WASM I'm not aware of)
I wonder if their intention is to re-use the engine between different JS processes for caching / sharding or something like that, or to add Prisma clients in other languages. Why create the indirection?
I do like Prisma's type safety compared to the pure TypeScript alternatives like TypeORM and MikroORM -- it's really good at typing the results of specific queries and preventing you from accessing stuff that wasn't explicitly loaded. The style of the query language is the cleanest I've seen out of the three as well IMO.
Edit: I think node modules can install arbitrary binaries to some serverless JS runtimes, not sure specifically about Cloudflare but I know their dev tool bundles JS using webpack, which would exclude other binaries from node_modules.