I run a self hosted notes application[1] on raspberry pi at home. I have been thinking about moving from .md files to sql. Both seem to have their own pros/cons. With SQLLite, I get easy search, tagging while with .md files I get easy editing and viewing by mapping networked drive.

[1]: https://github.com/quaintdev/pinotes

I suggest having both.

My TILs site runs uses a GitHub repository where the notes live in markdown: https://github.com/simonw/til

Plus a build script running in a GitHub actions workflow that compiles the notes into a SQLite file using my markdown-to-sqlite tool and publishes the resulting SQLite file using Datasette to https://til.simonwillison.net - which gives me search and an Atom feed and suchlike.

The site has custom templates so it Durant look like regular Datasette, but you can run custom queries against it at https://til.simonwillison.net/tils

this is very interesting. Would you still use this architecture if u were building something from scratch today ?

I can see the markdown format being powerful. But how do you parse it and create a document graph ? (or rather...what do u use to persist the document graph)

I have been trying to use Firebase on a side project of mine for this markdown -> graph problem

I've been exploring this technique more over the past year and I really like it - https://datasette.io (code at https://github.com/simonw/datasette.io ) is a more recent and much more complicated example.

Extracting links from markdown and using them to populate some additional columns or tables at build time would be pretty straight forward.