I have lived in five countries now, but not one (local or state) government had an online presence that was nearly as good as the gov.uk infrastructure.

Their websites might not look the part, but they excel (again, in my experience) in their practicality, accessibility and ease of use. And that is exactly what you would expect from a government website.

>Their websites might not look the part, but they excel.... accessibility....

I remember they had a design document ( Something similar to [1] [2], but not the exact one I was looking for ) where they list accessibility as their number one priority and a very long list of accessibility requirement. Simply because Government Web Site needs to be accessible by everyone. That means there are certain fancy things and colour scheme they cant do.

I wonder if the stack for Gov.UK are the same as their Petition Site [3] or was it based on something else? They have an Open Source Github account [4] for Government Digital Service which list everything they have open sourced.

[1] https://www.gov.uk/guidance/government-design-principles

[2] https://design-system.service.gov.uk

[3] https://petition.parliament.uk

[4] https://github.com/alphagov

If there was any remaining doubt about the UK Gov's design chops, check out their Github projects. Just to highlight one... they've published one of the most accessible and intuitive reverse-engineering tools I've ever used: https://github.com/gchq/CyberChef