I've recently been looking into terminals that can show images properly - and it's looking more widely supported and maturing than I thought. Is there anyone else also looking into the same thing?

It's promising but my main problem is that the multiplexers tmux and screen don't really support the various protocols.

There are some terminals that support images using various protocols:

- iTerm2 (Macos) - bespoke protocol

- Kitty - bespoke protocol

- Mlterm - Sixel and iTerm2 protocol

- Wezterm - iTerm2 protcol (and potentially Sixel too)

- Xterm - Sixel (but not built with it in your distro, maybe)

- Gnome-terminal/libvte terminals - Sixel - not released yet/not available to me, so unconfirmed

Using this support one can for example configure IPython to render images in the terminal inline using its mime-type hooks.

It would be great if we could slowly move terminals forward with this (even if I understand the technology is quite cumbersome to work with). Imagine having neovim, IPython or jupyter notebooks etc all available with image support in a multiplexed terminal.

Not a terminal, but might be of interest: https://github.com/dankamongmen/notcurses