After trying rust only for a few hours i really wonder how come this language remain the most loved one on surveys. From the outside it looks like a niche language you'd only use for super constrained or critical environments.

Take backend dev for example: unless you're trying to squeeze the last drop of performance from your CPU, most concurrency issues are usually dealt with at the middleware level (DB, Queue, Nginx, etc), and most performance issues are usually I/O related.

I'm currently evaluating developing a cross-platform mobile native library using Rust, but i really don't see myself inflicting the pain of that language to the rest of my team.

Or maybe it's just a reflection on how active the community is ?

edit: i realize a lot of people are probably still coding in C because they have no other choice, and for them it's probably a good idea to switch. However, for all the rest i really don't see the point.

Rust has a unique experience. Initially you hate it, right up to the point where you grok it, then you love it because you realize it save you from so many boneheaded errors that C/C++ allow you to do easily. You can still do them in Rust, but you can't do them unintentionally (generally). The borrow checker, the forced composition over inheritance, and the trait mechanisms are major wins.

I tried Rust once and found it pretty interesting. The moment I left was when I wanted to write a simple web scraper, so I found a library, installed it… and found out that it had downloaded a gigabyte of dependencies.

Yes, it has a bit of the same problem Node does with NPM.

There are ways to minimize the final resulting binary though, such as link time optimization, stripping symbols, building in release mode, and more. The following does a good job going over the options: